Youth Parliament Shadow Cabinets will mirror the structure of the provincial & federal government cabinets in Pakistan. These cabinets will be formed through a democratic process, where eligible candidates will contest in elections to secure positions analogous to those in the provincial cabinets. The purpose of these shadow cabinets is to engage youth in policy-making processes, address regional issues, and contribute to the development of their respective provinces. We make 8 Shadow Cabinets: Sindh – Punjab – Khyber Pakhtunkhwa – Baluchistan – AJK – Gilgit Baltistan – Islamabad – Federal.
In Each Portfolio, we will make standing committees which play a crucial role in parliamentary systems by providing oversight, conducting inquiries, and making recommendations on specific policy areas. Similarly, in the Youth Parliament Shadow Cabinet, standing committees will be formed to delve into key issues affecting youth and to provide specialized expertise and guidance in their respective domains.